When you fall, get back up


Spartan up.

One of my many mantras as I struggle to become physically motivated for this journey.

My husband and I, as well as 2 of our friends, are doing a Spartan sprint in September. I’ll be honest in saying that I’m a little scared. Mentally, I have been ready and excited about this for months. The thought of training and getting fit alongside my husband has me so energIzed. Yet, the goal feels so unattainable. For the average person, 8 months to train for a 3-5 mile race would seem pretty easy. But for me, this isn’t quite the case. I honestly have no idea what my weight is, but I am currently wearing a pant size 24 and a 2x-3x shirt. I have never in my life been able to run a mile, or do a pull up. I have strong legs, but arms that are weaker than pasta noodles.

Can I do this?

The part that is so frustrating is that my mind has, in a sense, been ready for this as long as I can remember. No exaggeration, I have spent time every day of my life thinking about weight loss/getting in shape/how much better I would feel. For so long, I have wished to be strong, fit, and able.

But, that’s what it has been…a wish.

For some reason, I can’t break the emotional connection with food, nor overcome the convenience. For many people, it might seem stupid that I would even say it, but it is so difficult. No 24 year old woman wants to hate her body everyday of her life, but there is an addiction element there that is so difficult to break. In October I came up with my game plan, and my husband and I practically jumped off the band wagon. So here is attempt #2.

I have 8 months to train. 8 months to put 14 years of wishes and fallen plans into practice. I want this, and I need it.

It’s time to Spartan up. It’s time to take back control of my life. It’s time to become a transformation story, and to begin living the life I was meant for.

Wish me luck, and stay tuned for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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